Wednesday is typically a book whoring day....
It's when I have time to myself to browse contentedly in book shops, and then with my lovely new purchases nestled together in their carrier bags, I head off to my favourite coffee shop.
Last weeks purchases were:
Bel Canto - Ann Patchett
Extremely loud and incredibly close - Jonathen Safran Foer
Orhan Pamuk - Snow
Suite Francaise - Irene Nemirovsky
The mathematics of love - Emma Darwin
Ratcatcher - James McGee
The Swarm - Frank Shatzing.
I also picked up the last few books that I ordered through my local independant bookshop.
I've recently re-discovered my absolute delight in horror novels - my reading since I joined the book group being guided to less bloody paths - and having thoroughly enjoyed the Anita Blake vampire hunter books (thanks to the Peanut Queen) I orderd two more horror series: the books by Kim Harrison and the books by Kelley Armstrong.
The last books I picked up were:
For a few demons more - Kim Harrison
Stolen - Kelley Armstrong
Dimestore Magic -Kelley Armstrong.
Methinks I need a lot of wine and chocolate to go with this little lot...
I found a website called that I've joined where you "rent" books for as long as you like, return them when you're done and get more.
Good thing is, if you find one you really like, you can buy it.
Anyway, those look like some excellent choices you made...I'll have to check out some of those myself.
I like the sound of that website PQ...thanks very much for that one
I cant wait to get my eyes into those new books myself... im finishing up with the last of my book club choices for last month at the moment.. after that I have the first Merry Gentry book all ready to go :)
DIMESTORE MAGIC and RATCATCHER look particularly intriguing to me! :D
I absolutely KNEW that you'd like the look of Ratcatcher!
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