Thursday, 8 March 2007

Making it like home

Well, I've most deffinately moved in here....

and today I managed put up a few shelves, moved in some furniture; even managed to hang a picture or two.

As you can see, It's far from finished yet... I still have to move in all my books...gotta install the cooker and the suchlike.. but it's looking more homely already....
I have to say.. I do like it here.

All those of you who have been popping in and leaving comments, you will notice that I have linked you as book club members. We dont have a set book every month.. but hey.. we potter about talking books and general chit-chat.. what is that if not a book club?.. Anyway.. any suggestions for a name for us?

Let me know if there's any links you'd like me to stick on the ole notice board.

...all this hard work deserves some wine.. dont you think?



Al said...

A nice sherry would go very well a book and a little fire in the fireplace, don't you think?

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Excellent! Love what you've done with the place! (And they frown on drinking here at have a glass for me, would you??? Thanks! ;)

An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

Al - Make yourself comfortable sweetie.. dry or sweet sherry do you?

PQ - awww :))) thanks!... I'll keep the wine, till those slave drivers let you free..


Al said...

EW: A nice dry would do, but once in a while Harveys Bristol Creme Sherry hits the exact spot.

An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

Warm fire, book of choice and harvey's bristol cream on the way.. I'll just ring the butler... seems such a shame to move from this cosy fireplace :)


g d townshende said...

I'll take a glass of port wine, if you don't mind. :D I think the place looks absolutely chocolatey! YUM! LOL :P

A name for the club, hmmm? I'll have to think on that before I make a suggestion.

An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

MIR - we'll tell the butler about the port when he gets here.. Thanks for the compliment MIR.

Have a good think about the name.
